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Part of Philosophy series on
(humanist philosophies)

Happy Human

Humanism (life stance)

International Humanist
and Ethical Union (IHEU)

American Humanist Association
British Humanist Association
National Secular Society

Secular humanism

Council for Secular Humanism
A Secular Humanist Declaration
Amsterdam Declaration

Religious humanism

Christian humanism
Jewish humanism
Buddhist humanism

Related articles

Ethical Culture
Marxist humanism
Cosmic humanism
Existential humanism
Integral humanism
Outline of humanism
List of humanists

History of humanism

Renaissance humanism
Humanism in Germany
Humanism in France
Humanist Manifesto

Philosophy Portal ·

Existential humanism is a concept that can be understood in several different ways. Sartre said Existentialism is a humanism because it expresses the power of human beings to make freely-willed choices, independent of the influence of religion or society. Kierkegaard suggested that the best use of our capacity for making choices is to freely choose to live a fully human life that incorporates traditional human structures such as marriage. Camus, in his book The Plague, suggests that some of us may choose to be heroic, even knowing that it will bring us neither reward nor salvation, and Simone de Beauvoir, in her book The Ethics of Ambiguity, argues that embracing our own personal freedom requires us to fight for the freedoms of all humanity.

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